The Second Scientific Conference of Mongolian Researchers in the USA

The Second Scientific Conference of Mongolian Researchers in the USA was successfully held on October 19-20, 2024.

On October 19, 2024, experienced Mongolian researchers and scientists shared their knowledge through guest lectures and oral presentations. Young researchers also presented their projects, and several workshops were held to support the academic development of researchers.

On October 20, 2024, to share the knowledge and experience of these scientists with the public, Mongolian youth and parents were provided with information on university enrollment and self-development opportunities through the "Experience Sharing Workshop and Discussion." This session featured insights from experienced educators, students, and graduates.

The event was a success, made possible by the commitment, trust, and efforts of many.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers, researchers, students, and all those who attended. Your presentations, discussions, and active participation made the event a great success. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, insights, and experiences, and for fostering a collaborative spirit throughout the conference. We look forward to continuing this journey of scientific exchange and collaboration in the future.

We would also like to thank the Mongolian Embassy in the United States and WeTogether and the Sponsor Organizations of the Conference for their support of the meeting.

"Sharing Knowledge- Empowering Future"

Society of Mongolian Researchers in the USA


13th Monthly Session


First Meeting of New SMRU Members