Our goal is to foster collaboration, provide valuable resources, and create a supportive network that empowers Mongolian researchers to excel in their fields while contributing meaningfully to the broader scientific and academic community in the United States.
To be an influential community for Mongolian professionals, academics and youths in the USA.
Our values
Motto: “Sharing Knowledge - Empowering Future”
The home for scientists, academics, engineers and future professionals who share knowledge and connect.
SMRU Annual Reports
Our Annual Report provides an overview of our initiatives and achievements over the past year. It reflects our commitment to transparency and highlights insights into our ongoing initiatives.
About Us
Board of Directors
Otgonzaya Ayush, MD, PhD
Gantumur Battogtokh, PhD
Executive Vice President
Altanchimeg Dugersuren, MS, MBA
Uyanga Batzorig, MD, PhD
Enkhsaikhan Purevdorj, MD, PhD
Board Member
Bazarragchaa Damdinsuren, MD, PhD
Board Member
Narangerel Gombojav, MD, PhD
Board Member
Committees and Committee Responsibilities
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Board between meetings, subject to review by the Board. It will comprise 5 members, the President as Chair, the Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Board-appointed director. The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing legal compliance and ethical conduct.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Shall advise the Board on the allocation of funds and the disposition of the Society’s reserve funds, within guidelines set by the Board, and oversee the completion and review of the external audit for presentation to the Board. It will comprise of the following members: the Treasurer as Chair; the Executive Vice President; the Board-appointed 3 members of the Society. The immediate past Treasurer shall serve one year on the committee. The Finance Committee shall generate policy recommendations, manage and monitor sponsorship and fundraising activities under guidelines established by the Board, and coordinate and communicate with the Board.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Shall identify and develop volunteer leadership to meet the needs of the Society’s vision, strategies, and programs, recommending Board election slates and committee memberships. The committee creates the annual election slate for Board position openings to support the Society’s identified needs and goals. Identifies and recommends members to serve on committees, enabling committees to execute Board-approved goals and foster a pipeline of potential society leaders. Seeks to ensure diversity, in all its forms, in leadership positions. The Nominating Committee shall showcase and promote scientific excellence by recommending the recipients of the Society’s awards to the Board of Directors for approval. It will consider scientific excellence, professional citizenship and stewardship, and diversity as factors in its recommendations. The Committee identifies and recommends members to present at the Society meetings per the needs of the Conference committee, and fosters a pipeline of potential presenters.
CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Shall be responsible for the scientific content of the Annual Conference and other meetings sponsored by the Society. The Conference committee leads the preparation and organizational activities of the Meetings and is responsible for publishing the Meeting Proceedings. The specific tasks in preparation of the Meeting can be delegated to other committees and working groups as needed.
COMMUNICATION AND CONTENT COMMITTEE: Maintains society’s website and other social media communications, and contact database. Leads digital content preparation, announcement, and advertising activities. Content shall also be developed in concert with the Society; will prioritize scientific and research content, and focus on the creation of virtual events and formats; emerging content; etc.
MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Shall tend, grow, and engage the SMRU member community. With direction from the Board, the committee shall review, analyze and report on membership trends; provide guidance on membership strategies and periodic surveys; welcome new members; consider any local/regional engagement efforts; and assess diversity & inclusion metrics. Upon request by the Board, the committee may create working groups to explore projects based on member priorities. Shall recommend, carry out and support ongoing activities related to career and professional development of Society’s members. The committee will guide career panels, mentoring, etc., with an initial focus on career needs during the training and early-career periods.
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND ADVOCACY COMMITTEE: Shall oversee initiatives to inform, educate and engage the general public and students to advance knowledge and help people realize the benefits of science and technology. The committee works to enhance Society members’ skills and motivation to engage in public communication and education activities; helps develop events and activities that inform and engage members in public education, awareness and engagement; helps identify key concepts or priority knowledge areas for priority groups; and curates or helps develop materials for public use that help advance Society’s awareness goals.
Our Members
Individuals currently or previously affiliated with scientific, academic, technological, or research-related organizations in the USA are invited to join our society. Additionally, individuals residing outside the USA who express interest in supporting and collaborating on society activities are welcome to become members.
This place is reserved for you. Please support our mission and become a sponsor for our non-profit organization! Every contribution counts and together, we can achieve incredible things!